Maybe Dad Is A Better Mom?

The transition between staying at home and working full-time is incredibly hard. We have all been working very hard to make sure that everyone is doing well.

Josh is now at home doing the main taking-care-of-baby roll and I sometimes think that I pale in comparison to him. IMG_1568

He is on the ball owns the ball and I still can’t get over how well he does during the day. When things go south for me I instantly throw Monster on the boob and try to calm him down that way- Josh on the other hand is boobless, but that doesn’t hold him back at all.

At the beginning I was pumping on all my breaks and rushing home during my half-hour lunch to quickly breastfeed. Now I don’t pump, because Monster doesn’t like taking the bottle either way, and I just come home at lunch and do a ten minute BF session and somehow that is all that is needed from me.

Monster is now eating everything you give him, so my partner has the amusing task of experimenting with a variety of foods. He occupies the rest of his days with walks and, if Monster lets him, some household chores. So far it has been really great!

During the evening Monster makes up for the loss of daily feedings and is attached to me until he goes to bed, which I really don’t mind because then Josh is free to do whatever needs to be done at that moment. On my days off we do our weekly errands and give the house a good clean.

I am actually surprised at how well it is going and yet some part of me is sad at the fact that they can make it without me. I have always made sure that Josh was fully involved with everything to do with Monster, and it has paid off greatly.

I just give him a few ideas of things to do during the day and he makes sure that everything is taken care of. Shit, I am proud of the both of them. It has been a rough couple weeks because Monster is teething, again. His two top front teeth are coming in and it is obvious that they are bothering him.

IMG_1572Since our trip on Canada Day weekend it has been hard to keep him in his own bed. We had to lower the crib a while ago because he is able to pull himself up, and now placing him in his crib is always a daunting task. It seems that as soon as he touches the mattress he wakes up and starts crying.

Last night Josh was the only one able to get him back in his crib and keep him asleep. Maybe I am losing my touch.. Either way, Josh and I have come to a mutual respect after switching roles.

He understands how much energy and constant attention Monster needs during the day and I understand how hard it is to be away all day and how tired you are by the time you come home. We both have a newfound appreciation for each other.

I am impressed with how easily we have settled into our new roles, but I am still finding myself worry and check up constantly, even though I know I don’t have to.

I have to say, we are becoming a sensational team.



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