Why Yellowknife?

Shortly after my daughter was born I was depressed. Not an obvious depression, but I believe to anyone who truly knew me it was plainly and painstakingly obvious. I recently had had a falling out with my mother and it had been a while since we talked. We downsized into a small one-bedroom apartment in … Continue reading Why Yellowknife?

HELLO TESLA! A birth story.

It's been a while since there has been any updates, and by while I mean about 8 months. Life with two under two is instantly crazy, but in the most wonderful of ways. About a month after we downsized and finished moving I was due with baby # 2, our wonderful little girl. She was … Continue reading HELLO TESLA! A birth story.

Postpartum Bodies and My New Outlook

I have always battled with my weight, and the self esteem issues that go hand in hand with being a women. I have always strived to keep my head above it all and remember not to compare myself with other women and their bodies. These battles have only amplified after giving birth. Before I got … Continue reading Postpartum Bodies and My New Outlook