31 Weeks, Stressed and Moving.

Somehow today I am 31 weeks pregnant. I don't know how the time has snuck by so quickly. It the midst of appointments, work and searching for a new home, I have barely had time to blink. It's hard to find the time to sit down and write lately, as Monster has entered a phase … Continue reading 31 Weeks, Stressed and Moving.

The Difference Between Your First and Second Pregnancy

You're first pregnancy is always so exciting. Everyone wants to share their wisdom and your joy. It is so unreal and every little wonder is this exciting adventure. You read a million books and articles, rigidly track your progress and count down the days until your little bundle of joy arrives. Your second pregnancy is … Continue reading The Difference Between Your First and Second Pregnancy

Two Under Two

As Monster reaches ten months we are blessed with the news that we will have another joining our family! Josh is over the moon about the addition and I am a little more realistic about the impending running around after a year-and-a-half-old while 9 months pregnant scenario. There are of course positives and negatives about having back-to-back children. … Continue reading Two Under Two

Kids and Commercialism

Parents are distracted by their own lives, their own tech gadgets, and the million of other things that distract us in our day-to-day lives. But what does it say to your children when instead of playing with them you buy them a new toy to play by themselves.

An Unexpected Call From The Doctor

It seems as though the last two weeks have passed in a blink of an eye. With all this working, it has been pretty low-key and still I find myself overwhelmed with the amount of things going on. When you have a young child, two weeks can make all the difference. Monster just had his … Continue reading An Unexpected Call From The Doctor